Zihan Chen

Zihan Chen

Software Development Engineer

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About Me

I am currently a software development engineer (SDE) at Intel Programmable Solutions Group (PSG) , Toronto, ON. I'm working on software development including the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) Runtime, Intel FPGA Board Package & Driver, the OpenCL Compiler CLI and automated testing infrastructure for the Intel oneAPI Toolkits

Before that I was a research assistant in prof. Piero Triverio's group, department of Elecrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, working on the computation fluid dynamics and computer graphics

OpenCL | FPGA | Parallel Computing | Numerical Computing | Visualization | Machine Learning

Work Experience

Software Development Engineer - Intel (2018 - present)

High Level Design | Heterogeneous Computing | OpenCL Runtime | Multithreading

Teaching Assistant - University of Toronto (2016 - 2017)

CSC 258 Computer Organization (Winter 2016)
APS 105 Computer Fundamentals (Winter 2016)
ECE 253 Digital & Computer System (Fall 2016)
CSC 180 Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 2016)

Education Information

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University of Toronto - MS of Applied Science (2015 - Present)

GPA 4.0/4.0 | Computer Engineering | IEEE student member

Research assitant at the Signal Integrity Laboratory since Sept, 2015.

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Zhejiang University - BC of Information Engineering (2011 - 2015)

Ranking top 5% | GPA 3.85/4.0 | Chu Kochen Honors Colloge

Research assistant at the National Key Laboratory of Modern Optics Devices.

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University of California, Davis - Research Intern (2014)

Global Research Experience in Advanced Technologies (GREAT) Program.

Research Intern in Davis Advanced RF Technologies Lab.

Conference and Publication

20th Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) - Presentation (Feb 2017)

Z. Chen, F. Ballarin, G. Rozza, A. M. Crean, L. Jimenez-Juan, P. Triverio, “Non-invasive assessment of aortic coarctation severity using computational fluid dynamics: a feasibility study,” in 20th Annual Scientific Sessions, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Washington, DC, Feb. 1--4 2017

OpenCL & SYCL online compiler

An online editor and compiler for learning heterogeneous computing using OpenCL & SYCL

Powered by Intel® oneAPI Toolkits(Beta)

Thesis Projects

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Bigdata Project

Database | Hadoop | MapReduce
N-Gram Auto Complete
Google Page Rank
Movie Recommender System (data from Netflix)

Explore Project

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2D Transmission Line FEM Solver

FEM | Transmission Line | MPI paralization
Finite ELement Method (FEM) is widely developed for complex PDE problems with triangular / tetrahedron meshing.
The 2D FEM solver for TLM shows a very good consistency with COMSOL. It is parallelized with Memory Passing Interface (MPI).

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